Go Green

Loft green triangle print blouse, white midi skirt, snake print bucket bag, gray suede pumps

Loft green triangle print blouse, white midi skirt, snake print bucket bag, gray suede pumps

Loft green triangle print blouse, white midi skirt, snake print bucket bag, gray suede pumps

Loft green triangle print blouse, white midi skirt, snake print bucket bag, gray suede pumps

Loft green triangle print blouse, white midi skirt, snake print bucket bag, gray suede pumps

Until recently, I thought moving was THE WORST. Packing, cleaning, lifting heavy things, reorganizing your life. Nothing could be more terrible. But now I know what’s worse than moving: NOT moving for 6 years. The longer you stay in one place, the more stuff you accumulate. And if you’re like me – a terrible excuse for an adult whose version of “spring cleaning” is wiping off a counter and donating 2 pairs of shoes to Goodwill – you accumulate A LOT. Here are some questions I’ve asked myself recently:

  • 1. Are these really my socks?
  • 2. Did I ever read this book?
  • 3. When was the last time I cleaned ___? (Trick question. I’ve never cleaned it.)
  • 4. How do I not have some kind of disease from living in filth?
  • 5. When was the last time I bought dried apricots?
  • 6. Follow up to question #5: What color are dried apricots supposed to be?

The amount of stuff I’ve thrown out is insane. In the new house, I will change all of my habits and become a decent, clean, organized human being who doesn’t waste things. Maybe if I put it out there on the Internet, I’ll actually do it? Only time will tell. Check back with me in 6 years.

Shirt // similar Skirt // Shoes // Bag // Ring

9 thoughts on “Go Green”

  1. I’m so afraid of this happening to me! I feel like getting married helped us do a big clean out – but only because we got so much new stuff and had to find a place for it! We own this place and don’t have plans of moving anytime soon which means we’ll probably look back ten years from now and have some of the most random accumulation of stuff!

  2. Now you know what I went through when I had to clean out your room after you left for college. It probably should have been listed as a Superfund site…

  3. Moving is the worst! I have moved so many times that I have the opposite problem – I am in constant purge mode, if it sits still long enough to collect dust, it will find its way out of the house! I once threw away a $75 check of Tyler’s… guess that taught him! haha

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