On the Farm

Loft layered sundress, denim jacket, House of Harlow Aztec bracelet, quilted bag, Traders Point Creamery

Loft layered sundress, denim jacket, House of Harlow Aztec bracelet, quilted bag, Traders Point Creamery

Loft layered sundress, denim jacket, House of Harlow Aztec bracelet, quilted bag, Traders Point Creamery

We interrupt this blog post for a gratuitous baby animal photo…


Now back to your regularly scheduled outfit.

Loft layered sundress, denim jacket, House of Harlow Aztec bracelet, quilted bag, Traders Point Creamery

Loft layered sundress, denim jacket, House of Harlow Aztec bracelet, quilted bag, Traders Point Creamery

Loft layered sundress, denim jacket, House of Harlow Aztec bracelet, quilted bag, Traders Point Creamery

Man, was last weekend beautiful. It was so beautiful, I decided to make an effort to do something outside that I’ve never done before. Even though I live in a big city with lots of things to do, I tend to repeat a few favorites. So last Saturday I actually went just outside the city to Traders Point Creamery. Unfortunately I missed the window for tours, but the ice cream bar was still open, and let’s be honest – that’s more important.

After I scarfed down some fresh, farm-made caramel ice cream, I got to see the cows getting milked! While the aroma was less than appetizing (I’m glad I ate first), I was glad to see that the cows were treated very nicely, and they even had some good background music. I guess all that “eat local” crap isn’t crap after all 😉

I was probably a little overdressed for a farm, but overalls aren’t really my jam. Plus I only have so many opportunities to bare my newly-chiseled arm muscles in a cute flowy sundress. Sun’s out, guns out!

Dress (on sale) // similar Jacket // Bag (on sale in black) // Bracelet via Rocksbox* (or buy here) // similar Sunglasses

*Bracelet borrowed courtesy of Rocksbox. Get a free month’s subscription when you use the promo code sarahsreallifexoxo at checkout!

4 thoughts on “On the Farm”

  1. I’m sure the cows appreciated it. 🙂 Very cute dress and I love it paired with the jean jacket.


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