Please Do Not Climb on the Artwork

sequin stripe sweater, burgundy over the knee boots, gray faux leather jacket, gray satchel, indianapolis museum of art, indianapolis blogger

sequin stripe sweater, burgundy over the knee boots, gray faux leather jacket, gray satchel, indianapolis museum of art, indianapolis blogger

sequin stripe sweater, burgundy over the knee boots, gray faux leather jacket, gray satchel, indianapolis museum of art, indianapolis blogger

sequin stripe sweater, burgundy over the knee boots, gray faux leather jacket, gray satchel, indianapolis museum of art, indianapolis blogger

sequin stripe sweater, burgundy over the knee boots, gray faux leather jacket, gray satchel, indianapolis museum of art, indianapolis blogger

sequin stripe sweater, burgundy over the knee boots, gray faux leather jacket, gray satchel, indianapolis museum of art, indianapolis blogger

On Saturday, we went to our friends’ kid’s birthday party. She turned 6. Or 8. Or 2. I really don’t know the difference. I just know there were a lot of small people running around me, and I might have added a little something to my Diet Coke. (Hint: it starts with “v” and ends with “odka.”)

I thought it would be a good idea to balance out the day by also hitting up the art museum. Turns out it was family day. Sometimes you just can’t win. It wasn’t that bad, though. Most of the special activities were concentrated in one certain area, so we could look at the O’Keefes in peace. There’s also a contemporary design gallery that apparently expanded at some point recently and I had no idea! If you live in the Indianapolis area and haven’t been to the IMA in a while, you totally have to go. I mean how often do you get to see a chair that looks like a broom and a vase that looks like a certain part of the male anatomy all in one place? For me, it’s probably less often than I go to children’s birthday parties. I should really work on changing that.

Sweater (on sale) // similar Jacket* // Jeans // Boots (on sale) // Bag // similar Sunglasses

*Jacket purchased with gift card provided courtesy of H&M.

9 thoughts on “Please Do Not Climb on the Artwork”

  1. HAHAHAHA starts with ‘v’ and ends with ‘odka’ yes, this is how I help myself at children’s parties. Love the little ones… with a little help. 🙂

  2. I seriously love this outfit. I could never pull of OTK boots like that but it looks super sexy without being like SEX, ya know? or not, it can totally scream SEX if you want 😉 perfect for family day!! hahaha

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