The internet is over-saturated with gift guides this time of year, so I figured what’s one more? But only one, and only because I have very carefully selected 16 fabulous ideas for things to buy those annoyingly picky chicks who have such high standards that they’ve probably returned or sold most of the gifts they’ve ever been given. So, you know…chicks like me. Who better to give advice on what to get those bitches than one of those bitches herself? Here’s the thing: you really don’t have to spend that much, you just have to find something that looks expensive and isn’t something she would think to buy herself. This is the time to stray away from Target and Kohl’s and hit up the high end retailers. Gifts like those above are probably the cheapest things you can find at those fancy stores, but they still have that shiny, special something that only fancy store gifts have. Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about.
Happy shopping!
1. Fancy pens & notepads {because everybody writes things sometimes}
2. Luxe throw blanket {she’s probably one of those girls who’s always cold, right?}
3. Trinket trays {for displaying some of her immense jewelry collection}
4. Checkered kitchenware {whether it gets used is beside the point}
5. Classy flask {if there is such a thing, she should be the one to have it}
6. Cute glasses pouch {so her shades can be protected in the cutest way possible}
7. Retro-inspired marquee letters {so she can see her name, or at least her initial, in lights}
8. His & hers pillows {in case she’s one of those weird straight-married people}
9. Punk home accessories {to show she has a wild side}
10. Booze-scented candles {pick her poison: champagne, vodka, or bourbon}
11. Gilded barware {possibly even classier than the flask}
12. City wall art {because metropolitan girls like to represent their cities}
13. Cheeky mugs {for drinking coffee that may or may not be Irish}
14. Watch case {assuming she’s a timepiece collector}
15. Chevron tray and glasses {which she better use next time you come to visit}
16. Garance Dore paper goods {and then she can judge people who don’t know who Garance Dore is}
Most of the items above are available at Shopbop. In case you feel like doing some real damage, take note of the Shopbop sale going on now! (Please note: Shopbop is a sponsor of this blog.)