Back in Black (& Gray)

black and gray, silver bag, studded flats black and gray, silver bag, studded flats black and gray, silver bag, studded flats black and gray, silver bag, studded flats

The backs of knees have to be one of the weirdest looking parts of the human body, don’t you think? OK, now stop looking at mine, creeper.

black and gray, silver bag, studded flats black and gray, silver bag, studded flats

If you’ve been reading this blog for more than a day, you know I’m not one to wear head-to-toe black. We’re just not NYC-chic here in the Heartland. But being one of the chicest people in Indiana (it doesn’t take much), I decided I should try head-to-toe black and gray. It was the closest thing to all black I could handle. It was only Tuesday, after all.

similar Skirt (under $20) // similar Bag (on sale) // similar Shoes // Ring* // similar Sunglasses // Lips  “Please Me”

*Ring purchased with gift card provided courtesy of Shopbop.