
orange and pink, j crew factory linen mini skirt, cap toe flats, indianapolis style blog, indy fringe orange and pink, j crew factory linen mini skirt, cap toe flats, indianapolis style blog, indy fringe orange and pink, j crew factory linen mini skirt, cap toe flats, indianapolis style blog, indy fringe orange and pink, j crew factory linen mini skirt, cap toe flats, indianapolis style blog, indy fringe orange and pink, j crew factory linen mini skirt, cap toe flats, indianapolis style blog, indy fringe orange and pink, j crew factory linen mini skirt, cap toe flats, indianapolis style blog, indy fringeMural by Eduardo Mendieta

 What possessed me to dress like a pack of Starburst? I don’t know. Maybe the fact that I was going to a fringe theater show, so why not take a little risk. I will never be the weirdest dressed person at a fringe show, even when I look like a walking bowl of sherbet.

If you’re one of my Indianapolis readers, I highly recommend you see The Great Bike Race, which is at Theatre on the Square on Mass Ave. It’s “loosely based” on the second running of the Tour de France. If you don’t laugh at least 20 times, see a doctor immediately. There’s something wrong with you. If you don’t laugh at all, see a mortician. You are dead. Get tickets here(This post was in no way sponsored by Indy Fringe or by the Great Bike Race, but I should probably mention I know a couple of people in the show. Still, I don’t even like them that much, so my opinion is totally unbiased.)

similar Sweater* (on sale) // similar Skirt (not as bright, but really cute & on sale!) // similar Shoes* // similar Clutch* // Necklace (under $15)

*Sweater, shoes, and clutch purchased with gift card provided courtesy of H&M.