Palmer House

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Just a quickie post today because we got back from Chicago yesterday and I’m exhausted! It was a fun trip and a great way to celebrate my graduation with my family. Oh, did I mention I graduated law school on Saturday? Yeah, that happened.

We stayed at the Palmer House, and can I just say…it’s amazing. The location is awesome (practically across the street from Millennium Park and the Art Institute), it has a really cool history (nerd alert!), it’s beeaauutiful, and it’s actually not as expensive as I just made it sound. Oh, and it doesn’t hurt that the bar in the lobby has some fantastic cocktails. 😉

Point is: I highly recommend the Palmer House next time you’re in Chicago. I’ll tell you more about my trip in a later post!

Dress* // Jacket // similar Shoes // Necklace* // Bag // similar Bracelet

*Dress purchased with gift card provided courtesy of H&M; necklace provided courtesy of Stella & Dot.

7 thoughts on “Palmer House”

  1. I love this outfit – so perfect for wandering around the city! I’ll have to remember that hotel – we’re been talking about visiting Chicago for some tourism soon!

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