
loft striped tee, flower statement necklace, anthropologie skirt, mixed prints, shoemint flats, army jacket loft striped tee, flower statement necklace, anthropologie skirt, mixed prints, shoemint flats, army jacket loft striped tee, flower statement necklace, anthropologie skirt, mixed prints, shoemint flats, army jacket loft striped tee, flower statement necklace, anthropologie skirt, mixed prints, shoemint flats, army jacket loft striped tee, flower statement necklace, anthropologie skirt, mixed prints, shoemint flats, army jacket loft striped tee, flower statement necklace, anthropologie skirt, mixed prints, shoemint flats, army jacketBLOGLOVIN’ | FACEBOOK | TWITTER | PINTEREST | INSTAGRAM

In case you think I’m just trying to “model” and be all cute by touching my hair oh so casually…don’t judge. It was SO windy on Friday, the hair touching was actually totally functional and necessary (way to check the forecast before wearing your hair down, Sarah). If anyone saw me looking like total awkwardsauce taking photos of myself with a tripod while trying not to blow away, who knows what they thought. Hopefully they just thought, “Damn, that is a cute outfit.”

Other than the uncooperative weather, I was quite happy to take these photos. They’re proof that it was warm enough to forego tights, and that I’ve bought some cute new stuff for spring (this was the first time I wore the necklace, shirt, and shoes). Oh, and that I’m still awesome at print mixing.

Have a great Sunday!

Shirt (on sale) // Necklace // similar Jacket // similar Skirt // similar Shoes (on sale)// similar Sunglasses

10 thoughts on “Windsday”

  1. Good coordination of all those prints and colours – they’re well balanced! 😀 Had a good chuckle with your ABOUT page too but style is so personal so each to their own really…. Chuck on 20 bracelets even! As long as you’re vibing it! haha. E

  2. You took these with a tripod? Impressive! Florals and stripes is a fav combo of mine.


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