Good Day for a New Dress

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Two exciting announcements:

(1) I got a new dress.

(2) The first time I wore this new dress, I found out that the epic paper I worked on all year will be getting published in the next volume of the Indiana International & Comparative Law Review.

So basically, any time I have the potential to get good news, I’m going to wear this dress. It has a 100% success rate.

This dress, by the way, is from H&M. If you don’t have a store near you, check out the links below for a couple similar options.

similar Dress // another similar Dress // Sunglasses // similar Blazer // Bag // Bracelet

4 thoughts on “Good Day for a New Dress”

  1. I had a dress with the OPPOSITE effect once. Every time I wore it I ended up throwing up on someone or doing lots of cocaine.

    Or whatever. Really I just tripped a lot and showed everyone my underwear.

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