Florals + Mint + Yellow

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I’m both worried and excited about being the most brightly dressed lawyer in the room one day. Right now I’m practicing being one of the most brightly dressed law students in the room. It’s valuable real-life experience.

Last Friday I went to a recognition banquet for students (like me) who are tutoring struggling first-year students. The event was at a fancy schmancy members-only club on the top floor of one of the big business towers in downtown Indianapolis. The invitation said business casual, which obviously would include this outfit.

But I’ll be damned if I wasn’t one of the only people wearing a color other than navy or black. This is why people think lawyers/law students are boring – it has nothing to do with how we drop words like “liability” into everyday conversation and call the Supreme Court Justices by their first names like we’re close personal friends with them.

Thank goodness I was there, right? I’m like a color-injecting superhero. What should my superhero name be? This is your task for the day: to come up with a name that fully expresses both my knack for colorfulness and my legal prowess. Shouldn’t be difficult.

Sweater (on sale) // Skirt (c/o eShakti) // similar Spike Bracelet (only $6) // Shoes // Bag // Pearls // Lipstick “Schiap”

12 thoughts on “Florals + Mint + Yellow”

  1. Love that you challenge the norms of the legal profession. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wondered the same thing – am I too brightly colored? But hey – if you’re remembered, you’re remembered. Nothing wrong with subliminal networking!

  2. You’re the second post I’ve read today featuring that skirt. It’s so cute! I am trying not to buy things but it’s on sale!!!

    As for superhero names…uh…The Psychedelic Solicitor probably doesn’t have the right connotation, huh?

  3. I adore this outfit. I, too, challenge the corporate dress norm and am known for wearing bright colors and bold prints. It’s become my signature (love the term ‘subliminal networking’). E.g.: I am wearing canary yellow cropped pants today.

    I also love that you tied in the scallops of your skirt with scalloped shoes. I love it when outfits incorporate subtle yet purposeful details like that. Well done.

    I am at a loss for superhero names… Counsel Colorbomb? eh.. I’ll keep thinking about other names. 🙂

  4. I think this is great and this colour combination would be totally acceptable at my work (not law, mind you). Do you read corporette? I’m always surprised at how crazy conservative most of the recommendations are (like for an interview having a super conservative suit with no real details, never wearing fishnets at the office, etc.). It’s weird…hopefully you can fight the big-law-boring stereotype one bright outfit at a time. 🙂

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