The Perks of Being Short

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Any other Ally McBeal fans out there? The only time in my life that I remember wanting to be a lawyer – until about four months before I took the LSAT – was in 1997 when that show came out. I thought it was so cool how Ally was young and rich and got to wear cute little suits with mini skirts that were actually entirely inappropriate for a courtroom. But I never really aspired to be Ally, because she was a mess. I wanted to be Ling (that was Lucy Liu’s character) because everyone was scared of her and – let’s face it – she was way hotter.

When I saw this bright coral mini skirt suit at Target, it reminded me of something one of the female attorneys on that show would wear. Lucky for me, I’m short so the mini skirt is not so mini on me. I still wouldn’t wear this in court, but for a regular day at my internship at the AG’s office, I think this fit easily under the business casual dress code.

Now I just need Tracey Ullman to help me find a theme song.

Suit: Target (jacket, skirt)

Top: similar

Necklace: Tiffany & Co. (similar cheaper)

2 thoughts on “The Perks of Being Short”

  1. I have that problem as well! I’m 5’2″ and most mini skirts are like a regular skirt on me. But it works, because then regular skirts are always too long.
    I loved that show, especially when Robert Downey Jr and Jon Bon Jovi guest starred!

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