Sunshine and a Slight Chill






20120911-141931.jpgWelcome to a typical Sunday outfit – which I am showing to you on a Wednesday just to keep you guessing. (Sarah’s Real Life – What WILL she do next?!) This past Sunday was a beautiful sunny day, but temps were hovering around 70, so I decided on a mix of light fall layers and summer colors. And can I just mention how much I love scarves? I know some people would rather remove their own eyeballs than wear something around their neck all day, but those people are deranged. Scarves are cute; they’re comfy; they’re cozy. In fact, if you just had your eyeballs removed, you might feel better if you sought comfort in a nice scarf. Give me your address and I’ll send you one.

9 thoughts on “Sunshine and a Slight Chill”

  1. I’d send you my address to have you send a scarf, but after I have my eyeballs removed instead of wearing something around my neck all day, I won’t be able to see to get to the mailbox, so thanks anyway. 🙂 You look lovely in a scarf, but it’s the shoes I really like.

  2. Just found your blog! I love your selections! I wish we had that kind of weather. Florida is hot, like Africa hot ALL THE TIME. So, I will live vicariously through you! Totally following!

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