Nerd Alert






You might have already guessed this by the fact that I’m in law school (or if you’ve ever met me), but I’m kind of a nerd. My witty comments and cute outfits are just a sneaky way of making you think I’m cool. But just in case you’re still not convinced, I wore my glasses in these pictures.

See it now? Yep. Nerd.

And the nerdiest part is that I actually have good vision. It’s just that sometimes my eyeballs get tired from reading so much and they need a little help.

Sweater available at J. Crew Factory (it’s cotton – super light and comfy)

Shoes are Sperry Top-Sider A/O

Glasses are Jones New York

11 thoughts on “Nerd Alert”

  1. It’s hip to be nerdy 🙂 Great school outfit. I actually have my hair done exactly the same way today… but my excuse was running late.

  2. Us nerds are the best! I love the shorts and sweater combo. And you can never go wrong with glasses and bright lips!

  3. Oh goodness I’m always afraid to tell people that my vision is fine… I wear my glasses for the SAME reason, sometimes the long days in front of a computer get to me. Also, they’re fun. I’m glad I’m not the one.

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