I know Saturday is the traditional date night, but I quite enjoy Sunday afternoon dates. If you have all your fun on Saturday night and save the errands and chores (if you do those things) for Sunday, it’s kind of like ending the weekend on a lame note. Sometimes I would rather do my boring grown-up things on Saturday and enjoy my last day of my weekend.
On this particular Sunday, we went to see To Rome With Love. I’m a big Woody Allen fan, so I liked it. I also like living vicariously through movies set in beautiful places I’ve never been. If you liked Midnight in Paris, you’ll probably like this one too.
Oh, about the hair. I can only do this when I’m not trying, so don’t ask me to give you a tutorial or anything.
Hi Sarah, I happened to scan thru the IFB comments about starting a blog, and I was touched by what you wrote – and curious. Your blog has such a great look – clean and minimal and I LOVE turquoise – that I’ve put you on my blog roll & I’m telling my friend Stephanie (StyleOdyssey) about you.
I’m also a Woody Allen fan and I didn’t even know he’s got a new one out. It’s probably not in London just yet.
And love that look – the pop of your bright blue nails – and the shot of the back of your head by the tree.
Good luck – please keep posting! ; )
Thanks so much for your nice comments! I’m very flattered, especially considering the photography on your blog is so beautiful. And I think you’re the first person to put me on their blog roll (that I know of), so thank you thank you thank you!
cute necklace and hair!!
Lovely sweater!
New post on my blog too, check it out and let me know your opinion!
Thank you…And I would need a link to look at your blog
I love saving my Sundays for relaxing! You’re definitely right about that. : )
Loving the outfit as well. The sweater is very pretty.
I need to see this movie. I’ve generally enjoyed all of Woody’s recent films (though Match Point might be my fave). Love the cardi, btw
Match Point is one of my favorite movies (Woody or otherwise)!
You look so cute! I love the printed cardigan, I want to go out and find one for myself now!
Love it all, but especially the hair! I need to start posting hair pics.