Triple F

Marine Layer pants, spring outfit, YSL heart sunglasses, Rebecca Minkoff bag

When: April 11 // Weather: mild and sunny // Real life: yet another walk in the park

Marine Layer pants, spring outfit, YSL heart sunglasses, Rebecca Minkoff bag
Marine Layer pants, spring outfit, YSL heart sunglasses, Rebecca Minkoff bag
Marine Layer pants, spring outfit, YSL heart sunglasses, Rebecca Minkoff bag
Marine Layer pants, spring outfit, YSL heart sunglasses, Rebecca Minkoff bag
Marine Layer pants, spring outfit, YSL heart sunglasses, Rebecca Minkoff bag

One of my quarantine hobbies has been finding new sustainable/ethical brands to order clothes from…you know, for research purposes. It’s an expensive hobby, I’ll give you that, but a fun one. 😉 And I get to share the best stuff with you, like these fun, flowy, floral (that’s right, it’s a triple F situation here, people) pants from Marine Layer. I may have also gotten the matching top. Possibly.

I actually heard about Marine Layer thanks to my wife, who got me one of their Re-Spun t-shirts for Christmas. Basically, they take old t-shirts, break them down, and turn them into new ones. Pretty cool. These pants aren’t from the Re-Spun line, but I read about ML’s sustainability efforts and I’m happy with the extra efforts they’re making. At this point, when I’m deciding whether to support a brand, it’s about progress, not perfection. And it’s about the triple F, of course.

Pants (quasi-sustainable brand) // similar Sweater (secondhand) // Shoes (sustainable brand) // Sunglasses // similar Bag

Why Did the Blogger Cross the Road?

double denim, sezane cardigan

When: April 6 // Weather: 60s // Real life: socially distant ice cream and a walk on the Monon Trail

double denim, sezane cardigan
double denim, sezane cardigan
double denim, sezane cardigan
double denim, sezane cardigan
double denim, sezane cardigan

Have you ever seen a photo of a blogger/influencer posing in the middle of the street in a city? I always wondered…how? and why? Well when I was in NYC a few months ago, I got to witness how the magic happens with my own eyes.

I think it was somewhere in Midtown, so pretty crowded, and I was waiting in a group of people to cross the street. When the light changed and we all started crossing, I noticed the girl in front of me was distancing herself a bit from the people in front of her. She was strutting and flipping her hair (as one does at a crosswalk) and meanwhile the guy with her was basically high-speed sideways crab walking while snapping photos of her with a fancy camera. It was all over in about 4 seconds, and I kind of want to know how many times they did this in order to get the perfect shot.

It made me laugh because it was so ridiculous, but hey, they didn’t get in anyone’s way, so I say more power to ’em. As for me and my wife-tographer, we would never go through that much trouble to get outfit photos. We just wait until there’s a worldwide lockdown and the streets are empty. Easy peasy.

similar Sweater (sustainable brand) // similar Jeans (secondhand) // similar Shirt // Shoes