Nature & Sh*t

everlane linen jumpsuit

When: May 2 // Weather: 80(!) // Real life: picnic at Holliday Park

everlane linen jumpsuit
everlane linen jumpsuit
everlane linen jumpsuit
everlane linen jumpsuit

This is probably going to sound really cheesy, but do you find yourself appreciating nature more lately? It’s like, when you no longer have the option to go shopping or to the movies or museums, you stare out the window. You go to parks.

There are two bunnies that regularly visit our backyard, and my new morning routine is: wake up, pee, go to the window and see if the bunnies are hanging out. I didn’t name them or anything; that would be too weird. Just kidding…their names are Benjamin and Delilah, and they’re my best friends.

A couple weekends ago we went and had a picnic in the park because it was finally warm and I wanted an excuse to wear my new yellow linen jumpsuit (obvi). We set up under a tree, ate our sandwiches, and then just laid back on the blanket. After a few minutes, I realized there was a nest in the tree right above us, and it was full of baby robins! We got to see the parents take turns going to get food, and when they came back, we could see little tiny beaks sticking up eagerly! So freaking cute. Nature is amazing.

So the next time you feel like the whole world is falling apart, just remember Benjamin and Delilah and the robins are carrying on just fine.

Jumpsuit (quasi-sustainable brand) // similar Hat // similar Shoes

Good On Us

modern citizen, cuyana pima pants, loungewear, rothys flats

When: May 1 // Weather: 60ish // Real life: working from home (before the wine, obviously)

modern citizen, cuyana pima pants, loungewear, rothys flats
modern citizen, cuyana pima pants, loungewear, rothys flats
modern citizen, cuyana pima pants, loungewear, rothys flats
modern citizen, cuyana pima pants, loungewear, rothys flats

I’ve been doing my best to encourage support of sustainable/ethical brands, but I realized recently that that can be its own ethical dilemma, because there’s no Sustainability Czar that can tell me (or you) who’s doing it right and who’s melting the ice caps. Sure, plenty of brands drop the “sustainability” buzzwords, but who’s policing that? (Greta Thunberg? No. She’s probably busy with e-learning.)

But over the weekend I discovered a pretty helpful guide called Good On You. This site has a lot of information, including ratings of a ton of brands. Of course, it’s just one site’s made-up rating system, and some of the ratings are a couple years old, but it seems well-researched to me. Some of the ratings may surprise you, like H&M supposedly being better than Everlane, the latter of which shows up on every freaking sustainable fashion blogger, including yours truly.

I really want to give you guys good information, and I’m finding Good On You to be a helpful tool when combined with my own opinions and instincts. So now when I link to what I’m wearing, I might sometimes put “quasi-sustainable brand” (like I did here for my Modern Citizen sweater and Cuyana pants – both of which I love by the way). That just means I found some competing information, but in the end I decided it was a brand I wanted to support.

You know what else I support? Rosé. All day. Especially during quarantine.

Sweater (quasi-sustainable brand) // Pants (quasi-sustainable brand) // Shoes (sustainable brand) // Sunglasses