When: Dec. 17 // Weather: snowy // Real life: work (including our department’s Festivus party)

Do you ever randomly recollect great childhood memories that you hadn’t thought about for decades? Tonight I had macaroni & cheese and green beans, and I suddenly remembered one of my favorite books as a kid, Suppertime for Frieda Fuzzypaws. It’s about a kitten who wants a cookie, and her parents say she has to finish her dinner first. But she hates green beans so she tries to hide them under her macaroni. So her dad draws a cookie for her, and Frieda’s like “f*ck you, pops” (but, you know, the PG version of that).
Suffice it to say, as a child I identified on many levels with little Frieda Fuzzypaws. I do like vegetables now, but to be honest, they’re still just a necessary precursor to dessert.
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