If at First You Don’t Succeed


Earlier in the week, I went to a speaker who gave a presentation on an area of law I’m interested in, and since there would be lots of attorneys there, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to “dress up” a little and not look so much like a student. But since almost all of my business casual clothes are packed up for the school year, I didn’t have a lot of options at the ready. I did have this skirt, but the temperature called for tights and the rain called for a sturdier shoe. I ended up with the outfit on the left, but then I realized the ruffled tweed, bright purple, winter white, contrasting tights, and studded knee-high boots look was probably not the best way to blend in with a bunch of lawyers.

So instead I ended up with the more casual but still sophisticated outfit on the right. You know how I overthink things sometimes? Yep.




Jacket: Anthropologie, old (similar, splurge)

Jeans: Tommy Hilfiger

Boots (outfit 1): Kohl’s, old (similar)

Boots (outfit 2): Bandolino, old