1 Dress, 2 States

Madewell floral wrap dress, cap toe flats, suede moto jacket, ankle boots, dress ankle boots outfit

When: late October // Weather: 50s // Real life: work in Indianapolis

Madewell floral wrap dress, cap toe flats, suede moto jacket, ankle boots, dress ankle boots outfit

When: early November // Weather: 80s // Real life: vacation in Key West

Madewell floral wrap dress, cap toe flats, suede moto jacket, ankle boots, dress ankle boots outfit

I was going to call this “1 Dress, 2 Seasons,” but that’s not really accurate. Both outfits were technically worn in the fall, it’s just that Key West’s “fall” is still 80+ degrees. And let me tell you, this 4-day excursion to paradise was just the short and sweet vacation I needed!

Madewell floral wrap dress, cap toe flats, suede moto jacket, ankle boots, dress ankle boots outfit

Madewell floral wrap dress, cap toe flats, suede moto jacket, ankle boots, dress ankle boots outfit

Madewell floral wrap dress, cap toe flats, suede moto jacket, ankle boots, dress ankle boots outfit

I mean, sure, I was a little bummed to miss the peak of fall foliage at home in Indiana. But it turns out it’s pretty easy to get over that when there’s a daiquiri in your hand.

Madewell floral wrap dress, cap toe flats, suede moto jacket, ankle boots, dress ankle boots outfit

Madewell floral wrap dress, cap toe flats, suede moto jacket, ankle boots, dress ankle boots outfit

If you’re interested in seeing more of what I was up to in the Keys, you can see a few photos on my Instagram. But highlights included: a kick-ass resort, a drag show, petting cats at the Hemingway home, gorgeous sunsets, and lots of fresh Mahi-Mahi.

Madewell floral wrap dress, cap toe flats, suede moto jacket, ankle boots, dress ankle boots outfit

Madewell floral wrap dress, cap toe flats, suede moto jacket, ankle boots, dress ankle boots outfit

Look, there’s me, letting loose on vacation. I’m such a party animal.




Classy Broad

tank swing dress, bandana headband, pharmacy burger nashville

When: Labor Day weekend // Weather: hot // Real life: being a tourist in Nashville

tank swing dress, bandana headband, pharmacy burger nashville

tank swing dress, bandana headband, pharmacy burger nashville

tank swing dress, bandana headband, pharmacy burger nashville

tank swing dress, bandana headband, pharmacy burger nashville

You might be thinking, “what a cool cut-out feature on that dress!” Well, you would be WRONG. I’m just rocking some on-purpose exposed bra strap like a boss. OK, I might be exaggerating my confidence just a little. I had to ask for second and third opinions on whether I looked cool, trashy, or…just a cool amount of trashy. I was in Nashville and it was Labor Day weekend, so I figured in the South when it’s 90 degrees, the threshold for trashy is adjusted. Basically, the look I was going for here was “classiest girl in the trailer park.”


Dress // Bag // Watch // similar Bandana // Shoes // similar Sunglasses