When: Jan. 29 // Weather: chilly but not bad // Real life: work

When I first started my sustainable fashion journey, I tried to convince myself I loved the idea of a minimalist wardrobe. I thought I would just buy all the neutral things from Everlane and Aday and learn to combine them with my existing wardrobe in different ways to keep things fresh. Who needs bright colors and patterns and interesting silhouettes? Not me, no ma’am. I LOVE BASICS.
Obviously, that didn’t last. There’s nothing wrong with having a capsule wardrobe or sticking to neutrals if that floats your boatneck. But it’s just not me.
Luckily, I quickly discovered the magic of designer resale, which allowed me to add more fun pieces to my sustainable closet. I do still love Everlane, I just choose to layer my simple turtleneck under a gently used bold blazer from Theory.
The point is: there’s more than one way to do this tree-hugging thing. Find what works best for you.
Turtleneck (sustainable brand) // Pants (sustainable brand) // similar Blazer (secondhand via the RealReal) // Bag (sustainable brand) // similar Shoes // Necklace