Beige & Blue

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Sarah’s Wardrobe Timeline:

  • September: Sarah gets tired of sweating all the time and looks forward to fall.
  • October-November: Sarah embraces the cool weather and buys fun new clothes for winter.
  • December-January: Sarah copes with freezing temperatures by buying new sweaters and getting creative with layering.
  • February: Sarah starts to lose interest in layering and looks forward to spring.
  • Early March: Sarah starts incorporating fun spring colors and prints into the mix to tide her over until the weather warms up.
  • Late March: Sarah is sick and tired of being cold, has no interest in any of her winter clothes, and starts throwing on any random outfit with little regard for how flattering or interesting it is.

Just to remind you: we are in the late March phase. This is one of those random outfits. I actually thought this outfit was kind of lame when I picked it out (but ignored that feeling due to my late March state of mind), but these photos make me think it wasn’t so bad. What do you think?

By my usual standards, it’s not terribly colorful, but I suppose there’s nothing wrong with neutrals once in awhile. And I do have a cool mix of textures/patterns with the crochet top and polka dot jeans. Plus I was comfortable. So I guess it’s not so bad! But I still don’t want it to be cold anymore. MAKE IT STOP.

similar Top (on sale) // another similar Top (on sale) // similar Cardigan (on sale) // Jeans (also in mint!) // Shoes (on sale) // Lipstick “Orange de Chine”

City of Angles

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What kind of life did I lead before I realized you could wear different prints together and it could actually look like it was on purpose? The answer is: A sad one.

And speaking of sad, this post is going to be this sweater’s last hurrah. I got it at Target a few years back, and I’ve worn it enough that the fabric is getting a little pilly. Is that a word? You know what I mean.

Anyway, the last couple winters I’ve passed by this sweater in my closet many times because I just wasn’t excited about wearing it anymore. Then a couple days ago I realized it might be fun to pair it with my plaid Madewell shirt. I was right. It was fun. But now the fun is over. This sweater has done everything it can do for me. Farewell, sweet prince. Thanks for the memories.

P.S. I hope you noticed my clever title. “Angles” is not a typo. Get it?

similar Sweater // similar Shirt (under $15!) // Sunglasses // similar Jeans // Shoes // similar Spike Bracelet (under $5!) // Lipstick “Schiap”