






I am really impressed by people who work from home. Since I only have class three days a week this semester, I’ve been studying and reading at home much more than last year. I am really terrible at staying focused when I’m at home sometimes. I read about two paragraphs, then I check Bloglovin’. Five more paragraphs, check Facebook. Take a few notes, and oh! – I think I need to pet my cat. Yes, she definitely wants me to pet her. I have a point, so let me make it:

On one of my usual work-from-home days, I decided to get my butt dressed and head to the library to get some work done. Not a special occasion, obviously. No special outfit needed. But when I stood in front of my closet, one thing led to another, and suddenly I looked like I was ready to go flamenco dancing. Or sangria drinking. Whatever.

Then I thought maybe I should change into something lower maintenance? But then I would have to start all over and go out of my way to look like I didn’t try too hard. So I would be trying extra hard to look like I wasn’t trying hard, instead of not trying and accidentally looking like I tried. Are you confused? So was I. So I left the house in this. The end.

Top: Ann Taylor (old)

Skirt: LOFT (old, similar)

Shoes: Steve Madden (old, similar)

Nails: Essie Penny Talk

On a Whim






As you know, friends, I am a bit of a planner when it comes to deciding what to wear. Normally I plan my outfits the night before so I have plenty of time and I’m not rushed in the morning. Plus my brain doesn’t function at its full capacity until about 2pm.

I had an outfit planned for this particular day, but I felt crummy in the morning and wasn’t too psyched about wearing the rather snug-fitting pants and heels I had selected. So my options were: wear the uncomfortable pre-planned outfit, or – gasp! – think up something new on the spot!

Maybe the heartburn lowered my inhibitions, but I decided to go for it! I started with this skirt because it’s my go-to piece when I’m not feeling well. The fabric is really stretchy without being tight. I basically can’t feel it. I grabbed this sweater to add some color. Then I realized that I’ve never worn this skirt with a belt. Boom. Done. And the shoes…I wore these because (a) I happened to look at them, and (b) I have feet.

Oh, and may I call your attention to my newest spotted manicure?  If you haven’t already tried this, you can read my tutorial here. For this version, I used a nude color for the base coat, then did spots in a Sally Hansen white and Essie Mint Candy Apple. The only problem is that my nails kind of look like candy so I have to remember not to eat my fingers. I’ve been successful so far.