When: Sept. 7 // Weather: low 70s and sunny // Real life: strolling around Broad Ripple and stopping for wine & gourmet popcorn (yes really)

^^This was when I spotted a couple cats sleeping in the brush nearby.
I will never not stop to look at cats.

Happy official first day of fall, the greatest season out of all seasons! This time of year I started to get SAD: Seasonal Affective DELIGHT.
I spent the beginning of the month in the Outer Banks with my family. We made it 4 days on the beach before we got evacuated thanks to Hurricane Dorian. If you’re keeping track, yes, that’s one day longer than we made it last year before Hurricane Florence. Sooooo yeah definitely a success. Shooting for 5 days next year.
On the bright side, coming home a little early meant we got to enjoy a remarkably kickass beautiful pre-fall day back in Indiana. I busted out some leopard print and long sleeves, soaked up some not-too-direct sunshine, and almost forgot about my bad vacation luck.
Jeans (c/o Mott & Bow) // Tee // Sunglasses // similar Shoes (on sale) // similar Bag (on sale) // similar Belt