I Take Pictures of Stuff


Did you know that you can follow your favorite blogger on Instagram?! You can!

And while you’re at it, you can also follow me.

If you’ve been reading Sarah’s Real Life for awhile, you might remember I used to do a post every week or two called “My Week in Over-Processed Photos” where I shared my Instagrams. Then I took a reader poll and found out that while a lot of people liked that series, the majority of readers could take it or leave it. So I stopped.

For those who miss seeing my quirky snapshots (or who never saw them in the first place), consider this your official invitation to follow me on Instagram (@sarahsreallife)! And I don’t mean to brag, but I’m a damn good Instagrammer. I’m not one of those people who will post a blurry, dark, drunk picture of me and five friends. Mostly because I don’t have five friends, but also because I’m a super classy iPhonographer.

Here are some examples of my work for your review:







Follow @sarahsreallife on Instagram

My [January] in Over-Processed Photos

We’re a twelfth of the way through the year already! Here are a few of my favorite snapshots from January. Enjoy your weekend, everyone. That’s an order.20130201-215423.jpg

These shoes just arrived from Sole Society! Naturally, it’s supposed to snow all weekend so these suede babies will be staying inside where it’s safe and dry for a few days.


The new semester is already in full swing. Here’s my super official intern ID, a couple scenes from my lap while studying, and my new travel mug (if law school doesn’t make you a coffee drinker, nothing will.)


This squirrel somehow got onto my balcony and couldn’t figure out how to get down. Coco was intrigued to say the least! The two of them stared each other down for a good five minutes.


This is a tasty chocolate mousse my friend Sam made for a dinner party (where I wore this outfit).


There’s Kristin enjoying her birthday fondu; a shot of the Sample Gates on my visit to Bloomington; delicious treats at See’s Candies; and a smiley face that magically appeared at the bottom of my soup!


Just got these sunnies from Madewell with a gift card I got for Christmas. Aren’t they so adorably retro? And mint…which is probably the main reason I love them.