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These sunglasses and this shirt are both from Madewell, and this skirt and these shoes are both from Ann Taylor. On any given day, there’s a good chance you’ll find me wearing one or both of these brands. Which is sort of interesting considering they’re so different. AT’s very “I’m going out for cocktails after my board meeting,” while Madewell’s very “I’m going out for beers after a music festival.” There’s probably something very deep I could say about myself here, but my brain is shot from studying, so I’ll leave it to you.

Have a great weekend!

Skirt (on sale) // Shoes (on sale) // similar Shirt // Sunglasses // similar Bag (on sale) // Ring // Necklace*

*Necklace provided courtesy of oNecklace.

Busy Bee

ann taylor polka dot pencil skirt, polka dots with stripes, ann klein silver satchel ann taylor polka dot pencil skirt, polka dots with stripes, ann klein silver satchel

Above: The face I make when children go running through the park where I’m taking photos. What do they think this is, Disney World? People are trying to blog here.

ann taylor polka dot pencil skirt, polka dots with stripes, ann klein silver satchel ann taylor polka dot pencil skirt, polka dots with stripes, ann klein silver satchel ann taylor polka dot pencil skirt, polka dots with stripes, ann klein silver satchel

If you’re tired of all my casual student outfits, today’s your lucky day. I did wear this to my Bar review class, but then I went to lunch with a former professor so I erred on the side of business casual. Considering what a busy bee I am, I think it’s appropriate I’m wearing black and yellow. And considering how my brain is struggling to keep a million points of law straight in my head, I think it’s appropriate I’m wearing mixed prints. Art imitating life…or something.

Skirt // similar Shirt // similar Shoes // similar Bag (on sale) // Watch(normal size wrist version)

*Watch provided courtesy of Dainty Wrist Jewelry.