I Voted

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When: last Tuesday // Weather: chilly and sunny // Real life: work, early voting, and dinner with colleagues

victoria beckham floral dress, olive heather duster cardigan, patent leather booties

victoria beckham floral dress, olive heather duster cardigan, patent leather booties

victoria beckham floral dress, olive heather duster cardigan, patent leather booties

See that lovely gray building behind me? That’s the City County Building, and I just went in there and cast my ballot in the midterm elections. I’ve voted in every election since I turned 18 *cough* years ago, but this is the first I voted early. I might have to do the early thing more often because it was so easy! I used to like the excitement of voting on election day, but I stood in line outside in the cold in high heels for an hour in 2016, and…well….we know how that turned out. Maybe it’s better to just get it over with.

There are so many good reasons to vote. I know, I know, maybe you think your vote doesn’t make a difference, and maybe in the end it doesn’t. But there’s a very important reason to vote anyway:

If you don’t vote, you can’t complain.

And I simply can’t face the idea of going 2 years without making snarky comments about the state of politics. Can you?

similar Dress // Boots // Bag (cheaper option)
