
embellished collar shirt, skinny pants

When: last Tuesday // Weather: cool // Real life: work

embellished collar shirt, skinny pants

embellished collar shirt, skinny pants

embellished collar shirt, skinny pants

embellished collar shirt, skinny pants

Remember when popped collars were all the rage circa 2005ish? I was a fan of the trend because I was in college at the time, and it allowed me to identify a guy’s douchebag status from afar rather than having to discover it only after talking to him.

I think women can pull off the popped collar without looking douchey (think Carolina Herrera), but clearly this is not a collar that should ever be popped – it’s too pretty. This shirt was one of the many things I purchased in NYC, and I tried on another blue striped shirt at J.Crew that I loved, but the teeny tiny amount of self control I have told me to only buy one striped shirt per store, per day. Buuuut that’s not to say I won’t go back for it. 😉

Shirt (on sale) // Pants // similar Bag // similar Shoes // similar Coat


Balancing Act

anorak and white jeans outfit

When: Friday // Weather: 60 falling to 40 (brr) // Real life: work then movie date

anorak and white jeans outfit

anorak and white jeans outfit

anorak and white jeans outfit

anorak and white jeans outfit

anorak and white jeans outfit

In case you’re worried that I wore a plunging neckline to the office, I promise there’s a nude-colored cami underneath. No cleavage was harmed (or revealed) in the making of this outfit.

I’m smiling in these photos because they were taken before I saw “The Zookeeper’s Wife.” Don’t get me wrong, it was a great movie, but not exactly a light-hearted one. In case you’re thinking “Is this a sequel to ‘We Bought a Zoo?'” NO. IT IS NOT. A few minutes in, you see a bunch of animals get killed by Nazis. In case you’re thinking “Were the Nazis really that bad?” YES. READ A BOOK.

Oof. My media intake is a very strange mix of fashion blogs and tragic films. I have to find the balance between being constantly superficial and constantly angry/depressed. So far, so good. Now please admire my cute anorak, then go read about Syria.

Top* // Jacket* // similar Jeans // similar Shoes // similar Bag // similar Ring

*Top and jacket provided courtesy of Tobi!


