Love You a Latte

polka dot midi skirt, colorblock sweater, ankle strap pumps, tassel necklace

When: Thursday // Weather: sunny and warm // Real life: work and an afternoon coffee break

polka dot midi skirt, colorblock sweater, ankle strap pumps, tassel necklace

polka dot midi skirt, colorblock sweater, ankle strap pumps, tassel necklace

polka dot midi skirt, colorblock sweater, ankle strap pumps, tassel necklace

polka dot midi skirt, colorblock sweater, ankle strap pumps, tassel necklace

polka dot midi skirt, colorblock sweater, ankle strap pumps, tassel necklaceBLOGLOVIN’ | FACEBOOK | TWITTER | PINTEREST | INSTAGRAM

Starbucks has two talents. The #2 talent is making coffee, and #1 is getting people to buy more coffee. My life is forever improved by the mobile order option, and I totally fall for the whole “get bonus stars for making more purchases” stuff. The latest offer peer pressured me into getting 3 iced lattes in 5 days. Well twist my arm. This was latte number 2, which I used as an excuse to get out of the office and enjoy the afternoon sunshine. And in the spirit of peer pressure, I bought Kristin a venti iced tea as a bribe to meet me for photos. So really, I say we call it a tax write-off. 🙂

P.S. I hope you all like navy, because I seem to be wearing a lot of it these days.

similar Sweater (on sale) // similar Skirt (on sale) // Necklace // similar Shoes // similar Bag // similar Earrings // similar Sunglasses




Berry Nice

berry print bandana, breton shirt, jeans, yellow suede sandals

When: last Sunday // Weather: 70s and sunny // Real life: picnic in the gardens outside the art museum

berry print bandana, breton shirt, jeans, yellow suede sandals

berry print bandana, breton shirt, jeans, yellow suede sandals

berry print bandana, breton shirt, jeans, yellow suede sandals

berry print bandana, breton shirt, jeans, yellow suede sandals

berry print bandana, breton shirt, jeans, yellow suede sandals

These sandals and this cute berry-print bandana were 2 of the things I purchased on my shopping spree last month in a very chilly (at the time) NYC. And here they are making their debut in much more appropriate weather. Last weekend, Kristin and I made a picnic – one of our favorite spring/summer weekend activities – and took it to the grounds of the Indianapolis Museum of Art. The picnic included actual berries, so wearing berry print was either a perfect choice or a ridiculous choice. I’m going with perfect.

The picnic itself was pretty much perfect (complete with bellinis and mini cheesecake to share), except for the fact that I forgot to put sunscreen on my feet and ended up with a super awkward sandal burn. You can kind of see the pink coming through on my ankles in these photos. These are the kind of real life glamorous details the other bloggers don’t share. You’re welcome.

 similar Tee (on sale) // Bandana // Jeans // Shoes // Sunglasses // similar Bag (on sale) // Earrings

