Optical Illusions

culottes, breton tee, Kendra Scott color bar druzy ring

When: Wednesday // Weather: warm // Real life: work

culottes, breton tee, Kendra Scott color bar druzy ring

I created this ring myself at Kendra Scott! If this lawyer thing doesn’t work out, maybe I have a future in jewelry design.

culottes, breton tee, Kendra Scott color bar druzy ring

culottes, breton tee, Kendra Scott color bar druzy ring

culottes, breton tee, Kendra Scott color bar druzy ring

At one point I was so sure culottes would make me look short, but I look freakishly tall in these photos, don’t I? Either I was wrong about culottes, or my camera is possessed with some kind of sorcery. I hate being wrong, so I’m going to assume it’s the latter. I mean, I know I’m wearing heels, but they’re not that tall. And remember when I wore my other pair of culottes with flats? There’s definitely something suspicious going on here.

I will now proceed to write a complaint to Canon asking them why their lens is making me look so good.

Pants (on sale) // Shirt (on sale in other color) // Ring // similar Shoes (on sale) // similar Bag // similar Sunglasses


Beat It, Rain

off the shoulder tee, maxi skirt, Fossil bag, Hepcat sunglasses

When: Saturday // Weather: hot and humid // Real life: picnic and music at Symphony on the Prairie

off the shoulder tee, maxi skirt, Fossil bag, Hepcat sunglasses

off the shoulder tee, maxi skirt, Fossil bag, Hepcat sunglasses

off the shoulder tee, maxi skirt, Fossil bag, Hepcat sunglasses

off the shoulder tee, maxi skirt, Fossil bag, Hepcat sunglasses

off the shoulder tee, maxi skirt, Fossil bag, Hepcat sunglasses

Top* (on sale) // similar Skirt // similar Bag // similar Ring // similar Sunglasses

Oh man. Last weekend was rough. So rough, apparently, that it took me until today to even tell you how rough it was. Friday morning I was getting ready to leave for work when it suddenly turned pitch black and I heard the tornado sirens going off. Soon I could hear branches snapping outside, all around me. I did what any scaredy cat would do and went to the basement until the storm passed. When I came up and looked outside, I discovered we lost a huge piece of one of our trees, and so had pretty much every other property in our neighborhood. It was a mess. Luckily, nothing landed on our house, but keep in mind I’ve only been a homeowner for a year, so I’m not used to being responsible for these things.

I had a brief “why the hell did I buy a house, I’m only a child?!” moment, then figured out who to call about the tree, and went to work. I was grumpy at work because I had a cold (this story keeps getting sadder, doesn’t it?) but I held out hope because I knew I had free tickets to the Indianapolis Wine Festival for that evening.

Five o’clock finally came, and…thunder. Rain. More rain. Then it slowed down, so Kristin came downtown to meet me for the wine fest. Except…the rain came back. We tried to wait it out, but it just kept pouring. By the time we threw in the towel, things had gotten scary. All the roads were flooded, and it was raining so hard that sometimes you couldn’t tell you were about to drive into high water. (I heard later that we got 2.5″ of rain in a matter of 2-3 hours.) Somehow, we made it home safely it my little Sentra, soaking wet and pissed that our night was ruined.

Oh, was our night ruined. I went downstairs and discovered water coming up through the floor in the laundry room. Further investigation revealed there was also water under the carpet in the finished portion of the basement. This time, I had a not-so-brief “why the hell did I buy a house, I’m only a child?!” moment.

I’ll speed up the end of the story: Moving wet things out. Ripping up carpet. Shop-vac-ing for hours. Fighting back exhaustion and tears. Etcetera. Adulting is hard.

In better news, everything is drying out well, and we haven’t had any more issues even though it has rained every day since Friday. And the weekend wasn’t a total waste – we made it to Symphony on the Prairie on Saturday night to have a scrumptious picnic and see a Michael Jackson cover band. If I’ve learned anything in life, it’s that MJ cures everything.

P.S. Anyone wanna buy a house in Broad Ripple? It’s really cute and the basement is only slightly damp.

*Top purchased with gift card provided courtesy of Shopbop.


