The Long and Short of It

long line vest, sleeveless top, olive green skinny pants

When: before vacation // Weather: warm // Real life: work

long line vest, sleeveless top, olive green skinny pants

long line vest, sleeveless top, olive green skinny pants

long line vest, sleeveless top, olive green skinny pants^One of my favorite lip colors for fall – Revlon’s Cherries in the Snow

long line vest, sleeveless top, olive green skinny pants

long line vest, sleeveless top, olive green skinny pants

long line vest, sleeveless top, olive green skinny pants

“Ask Sarah. She’s a fashion blogger.”

This is something I hear from my friends all the time. Thanks to my status as a highly influential blogger (I hope you hear the sarcasm there), they turn to me for answers to questions like “Does this look good with this?” “Are these still in style?” “Where can I find one of these?” “What do I wear with my new hat?”

I love answering these questions. But once in a while, people ask me whether it’s “OK” to wear something. Most recently, I got one of these questions about vests. Specifically, cropped tuxedo-style vests. Would I wear one? Well, no, I wouldn’t. But that doesn’t mean it’s not “OK” for someone else to wear one. When it comes to vests, these days I’m into the long-line vest. If you want my opinion (and apparently a lot of people do), I think a cropped vest is a bit dated and would look awkward as part of my current wardrobe, which is more modern. But if you rock a more quirky look, by all means ignore my advice. I mean, what do I know? I’m just a lawyer.

But back to my fabulous advice on vests: I like that a longer vest is slimming and elongating, and that it covers my butt and makes my more fitted pants look more work-appropriate. A long jacket can do the same thing, but on a petite person like yours truly, I think the lack of arm fabric looks less overwhelming. So basically: if you don’t wear long vests you’re a loser.

Vest (on sale) // similar Top // Pants // similar Bag // Ring // similar Shoes // similar Sunglasses







Under the Sea

chambray dress, white Converse

When: Friday // Weather: mid 80s // Real life: North Carolina aquarium

chambray dress, white Converse

chambray dress, white Converse

chambray dress, white Converse

chambray dress, white Converse

chambray dress, white Converse

similar Dress // Shoes* // Ring* (on sale) // similar Bag // similar Sunglasses // similar Earrings // similar Headband

This is one of those outfits I hope looks better in action than it does in photos. But even if it doesn’t look that great…what do I care? It’s a beach outfit. At the beach, my standards are decidedly relaxed. A fancier blogger would make more of an effort, but this is pretty much the most effort I make at the beach. I mean, I’m wearing a dress, shoes, and lipstick. What more do you want from me? I left my tiara at home.

You might have noticed by my bright red ankles, but I got a wee bit of a sunburn on Thursday. I’m like microwave popcorn…you might think you have everything under control, but leave me in the heat for 2 seconds too long and I’m burnt to a crisp and stinking up the whole house. That metaphor got a little out of control, but you get the point. So when the rest of my family was up for going to the aquarium on Friday, I was 100% on board. I hadn’t been there since I was a kid, so it was basically brand new to me. To distract you from my mediocre outfit, here are some photos of the animals I saw:

North Carolina aquarium

North Carolina aquarium

North Carolina aquarium

North Carolina aquarium

There were, of course, lots of fish, but it’s hard to get good photos of them in an aquarium. So instead, here’s a photo of the cool fish sculpture outside:

North Carolina aquarium

Sadly, vacation comes to an end today, and it’s back to the real world. But on the bright side, I’m going home to cooler temperatures that will be perfect for hiding my burnt popcorn thighs.

See more details of my vacation on Instagram (or just wait for the inevitable Insta-roundup).

*Shoes and ring purchased with gift card provided courtesy of Shopbop.



