Wood You Happen to Know the Time?

Heads up: JORD Wood Watches provided me with a complimentary product to facilitate this post.

buffalo check puffer vest, tissue turtleneck, Jord Wood Watch Frankie

When: Friday // Weather: cool // Real life: work

buffalo check puffer vest, tissue turtleneck, Jord Wood Watch Frankie

buffalo check puffer vest, tissue turtleneck, Jord Wood Watch Frankie

buffalo check puffer vest, tissue turtleneck, Jord Wood Watch Frankie

buffalo check puffer vest, tissue turtleneck, Jord Wood Watch Frankie

buffalo check puffer vest, tissue turtleneck, Jord Wood Watch Frankie

buffalo check puffer vest, tissue turtleneck, Jord Wood Watch Frankie

A watch made of wood? Say whaaaaat?! Not something I would normally think to try, but I have to admit it’s pretty unique, not to mention beautifully made. Nicely done, JORD. A wood watch would make a great gift, and they make men’s watches too. Just sayin’.

Also, I’m pretty excited puffer vest season is here. I love puffer vests. I mean, I only wear mine like once a year, and they don’t seem to go with very many other things in my closet, but still. I love them. It’s like wearing a sleeping bag. Basically, this is me camping. But instead of being surrounded by trees, I’m wearing the tree on my wrist.

similar Vest // Turtleneck // similar Shoes // Jeans // Watch // similar Bag // Sunglasses (on sale)





Mauve Rebellion

mauve sweater, Ann Taylor ankle pants, haircalf leopard pumps, fringe transport tote

When: last Monday // Weather: fallish // Real life: work

mauve sweater, Ann Taylor ankle pants, haircalf leopard pumps, fringe transport tote

mauve sweater, Ann Taylor ankle pants, haircalf leopard pumps, fringe transport tote

mauve sweater, Ann Taylor ankle pants, haircalf leopard pumps, fringe transport tote

mauve sweater, Ann Taylor ankle pants, haircalf leopard pumps, fringe transport tote

mauve sweater, Ann Taylor ankle pants, haircalf leopard pumps, fringe transport tote

I’m fully aware this sweater is not flattering on me. It doesn’t look bad, but it definitely doesn’t cast my bod in the best possible light either. But I don’t care. It’s chunky and comfy and soft and I like the color. You know how they say you have to learn the rules of something before you can break them? I’m pretty sure I have a handle on the rules of dressing at this point, so this is me breaking them. The Mauve Rebellion: you heard it here first.

similar Sweater // Pants // similar Shoes // Bag* // Ring

*Bag purchased with gift card provided courtesy of Shopbop.
