Peachy Keen

j.crew varsity sweatshirt, distressed skinny jeans, gold flats

When: Christmas Day // Weather: cool and rainy // Real life: driving and visiting family

j.crew varsity sweatshirt, distressed skinny jeans, gold flats

j.crew varsity sweatshirt, distressed skinny jeans, gold flats

j.crew varsity sweatshirt, distressed skinny jeans, gold flats

j.crew varsity sweatshirt, distressed skinny jeans, gold flats

This not-too-intense cranberry-ish lip color is Winky Lux matte lip pill in “Bunny.” It came in my December Must Have Box courtesy of Popsugar.

j.crew varsity sweatshirt, distressed skinny jeans, gold flats

We drive down to southern Indiana once or twice a year to visit Kristin’s extended family, and when we see “the Big Peach,” we know we’re almost to our destination. I remember the first time we went, Kristin told me in advance about this huge peach. Being from the Carolinas, I had seen the water tower peach along I-85, so you can imagine how underwhelmed I was at this only somewhat larger than average peach. Still, the southern Indiana peach is cuter and looks less like a butt, so it makes for a better blog photo background.

Speaking of cute, no one is shocked that I asked Santa for yet another cute J.Crew sweatshirt. Some people might be shocked that Santa deemed me nice enough to get it, but that’s between me and the big guy.

Sweatshirt // Jeans // similar Shoes (on sale) // similar Bag // similar Necklace




purple floral dress, suede OTK boots

When: last Mondayish // Weather: cold // Real life: work

purple floral dress, suede OTK boots

purple floral dress, suede OTK boots

purple floral dress, suede OTK boots

purple floral dress, suede OTK boots

I wore this dress and these boots together back in the fall, sans sweater and tights. So this is the winter “re-boot” if you will. Speaking of reboots, I assume you other Gilmore Girls fans have already watched all of the Netflix episodes at least three times at this point. There was chatter on the interwebs yesterday about a Netflix tweet that maybe hinted at possibly more episodes. I think everyone’s reading too much into it. I mean, I recently tweeted about eating too many Xmas treats and having nightmares about the dentist, but that in no way means I intend to stop eating cookies. Or go to the dentist, for that matter. But still…fingers crossed the rumors are true!

similar Dress (on sale) // Sweater // Boots // Bag // Sunglasses



