More Moto, Please

suede moto jacket, leopard blouse, skinny black pants, suede loafers, Rebecca Minkoff tassel bag

When: last week // Weather: cool // Real life: work

suede moto jacket, leopard blouse, skinny black pants, suede loafers, Rebecca Minkoff tassel bag

suede moto jacket, leopard blouse, skinny black pants, suede loafers, Rebecca Minkoff tassel bag

suede moto jacket, leopard blouse, skinny black pants, suede loafers, Rebecca Minkoff tassel bag

suede moto jacket, leopard blouse, skinny black pants, suede loafers, Rebecca Minkoff tassel bag

suede moto jacket, leopard blouse, skinny black pants, suede loafers, Rebecca Minkoff tassel bag

suede moto jacket, leopard blouse, skinny black pants, suede loafers, Rebecca Minkoff tassel bag

I don’t know why I don’t have a suede moto jacket in every color. Well, there’s the whole budget thing. But other than that, there’s no good reason. I love this one from Mango so much. This year’s version is on sale in camel and burgundy, and I haven’t been able to decide which one I want more so I just haven’t ordered either. But now the burgundy is sold out in my size, so that may be the push I need to pull the trigger on the camel. OK FINE you talked me into it. You guys are such a bad influence.

Maybe I’ll wear one of my soon-to-be-two suede moto jackets to New York Fashion Week. Yes, that’s right, technically I will be in NYC for Fashion Week. But instead of going to boring runway shows, I’ll be at a fashion law conference, which is way cooler. Basically, all the blogger babes should be jealous of me. I’ll be sure to post lots of pics of my lattes and Valentino pumps (read: free coffee and practical flats).

similar Jacket (on sale) // Shirt (on sale) // similar Shoes (on sale) // [almost the same] Bag*

*Bag purchased with gift card provided courtesy of Shopbop.



Rebel Without a Cause

burgundy plaid boyfriend shirt, faux leather jacket, beret outfit

When: last week-ish // Weather: 50s and rainy // Real life: work

burgundy plaid boyfriend shirt, faux leather jacket, beret outfit

burgundy plaid boyfriend shirt, faux leather jacket, beret outfit

burgundy plaid boyfriend shirt, faux leather jacket, beret outfit

burgundy plaid boyfriend shirt, faux leather jacket, beret outfit

People ask me all the time, “Sarah, how do you always look so cool?” That’s a lie. (Or maybe just an alternative fact?) People don’t ask me that, because I don’t always look this cool. But sometimes I do feel like being a cooler version of myself, and that’s when I don a leather jacket and a beret on a random weekday.

The beret was actually just to protect my hair from the drizzle in the morning. It came off once I got to the office. But I was so cool in the car. Like an older, girlier, more lawyerly James Dean.

Shirt (on sale) // similar Jacket // similar Shoes (on sale) // similar Bag // similar Sunglasses // similar Hat



