First in Flight

short sleeve sweatshirt, white jeans, jeffrey campbell d'orsay flats, rose gold watch, pink ray ban aviators short sleeve sweatshirt, white jeans, jeffrey campbell d'orsay flats, rose gold watch, pink ray ban aviators short sleeve sweatshirt, white jeans, jeffrey campbell d'orsay flats, rose gold watch, pink ray ban aviators short sleeve sweatshirt, white jeans, jeffrey campbell d'orsay flats, rose gold watch, pink ray ban aviators short sleeve sweatshirt, white jeans, jeffrey campbell d'orsay flats, rose gold watch, pink ray ban aviators

I think I made it pretty clear to everyone that I was at the beach last week (in this post and this one and in a lot of Instagrams), but I don’t know if I made it clear which beach. We were at Nags Head in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. I grew up in North Carolina, so to me, “beach” can only mean the Outer Banks. I’ve heard Florida also has a few beaches, but I see no need to check.

Nags Head is just down the road from the spot where the Wright brothers took their first successful airplane flights in 1903. There’s a memorial and visitor center there now, so we stopped to check it out before heading to the airport for our flight home. When you’re about to get on a plane in a few hours, what better time to see where it all started, right?

So this outfit was my nerdy tourist/goodbye beach/travel look.

short sleeve sweatshirt, white jeans, jeffrey campbell d'orsay flats, rose gold watch, pink ray ban aviators short sleeve sweatshirt, white jeans, jeffrey campbell d'orsay flats, rose gold watch, pink ray ban aviators

Do you see that? It’s aviation…reflected in my aviator sunglasses. Is your mind blown? Because it should be.

Top // Jeans (on sale) // Watch* // Sunglasses // Shoes* // Nails // Lips

*Watch provided courtesy of Dainty Wrist Jewelry; shoes purchased with gift card provided courtesy of Shopbop.

WARMfest: the Outfits & the Music

Welcome back from the long weekend, everyone! I hope yours was lovely.  I spent a good chunk of mine at WARMfest, which was a pretty good distraction from the fact that I’m no longer at the beach. I relaxed on a picnic blanket, I ate from food trucks, I did some pretty great people-watching, and (obviously) I listened to good music.

Below are my festival outfits from Saturday and Sunday. They’re nothing terribly exciting – I was more worried about being comfortable than impressing anyone. You shouldn’t be disappointed…I mean “real life” is right there in the blog title. You knew what you were getting in to. If you’re looking for ridiculous, impractical festival wear, there are plenty of other blogs for that.

My outfit photos are in color, and I included some photos of my favorite bands in black & white. So if you’re just here for the clothes, that part’s easy to find. But if you’re a music fan, be sure to check out the black & white stuff, too!

pineapple tee, maxi skirt, phillip lim for target bag, festival wear, warmfest pineapple tee, maxi skirt, phillip lim for target bag, festival wear, warmfest pineapple tee, maxi skirt, phillip lim for target bag, festival wear, warmfest

Outfit 1: Shirt (on sale) // similar Skirt (only $10) // similar Bag // similar Sunglasses


On Saturday we paid a little extra to take a “cruise” on the White River while being entertained by folk rock singer Megan Maudlin. She was really great, as was her friend Dave Vogt who played with her. I’m not convinced he’s real, though. I think he had a little mouse inside his guitar, and the mouse had its own tiny guitar that was supplying half the notes he was playing. He was insane.


This was Sweet Poison Victim (great name, right?)…their sound is like a blend of African and Caribbean music. Very fun.


Of Montreal was the headliner for Saturday. I loved the music, just don’t ask me to explain the…dancers?

madewell army jacket, phillip lim for target bag, madewell hepcat sunglasses, festival wear, warmfest madewell army jacket, phillip lim for target bag, madewell hepcat sunglasses, festival wear, warmfest madewell army jacket, phillip lim for target bag, madewell hepcat sunglasses, festival wear, warmfest

Outfit 2: Jacket // similar Dress // similar Belt (under $13) // Shoes (under $15) // similar Bag // similar Sunglasses // Bracelet (on sale)


These two are from the Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band. This chick is the most badass washboard player ever. Granted, there’s probably not a lot of competition.