
darling1 darling2 darling3 darling4 darling5

Why, hello there! Long time, no outfit, huh? I hope you didn’t miss me too much during my 4-day hiatus (that’s a long one for me). Sadly, my grandma died last Thursday, and my meticulously planned schedule went out the window when I had to fly to North Carolina for the funeral. Normally, I’m glued to my phone and/or computer, always editing photos and writing posts and updating social media no matter how busy I am with other things. But when I was back home with my family, sharing tissues and happy memories, blogging was the farthest thing from my mind.

I know everyone thinks their grandma was the best, but mine seriously was. So even though I’m pretty sure my grandma didn’t know what a blog was, today’s post is dedicated to her. When I was a little girl and I put on a dress to go to church, my grandma would always gush over how “darling” I looked. At the time, I hated it because I didn’t want to look darling – I wanted to look grown-up! But when I put on this dress on Saturday, I couldn’t help but imagine my grandma telling me how darling I looked – and I would have loved to hear it!

Alright, I’m not wearing waterproof mascara, so that’s enough of that for now. Because of my long absence, I’m extending the Flourish Boutique giveaway through the end of the day today (Thursday). Be sure to enter!

Dress (on sale) // Necklace (under $5!) // similar Bag // similar Shoes (on sale)