
madewell chambray, ann taylor yellow pencil skirt, ann taylor nude sandals, kate spade knot ring, indianapolis style blog madewell chambray, ann taylor yellow pencil skirt, ann taylor nude sandals, kate spade knot ring, indianapolis style blog madewell chambray, ann taylor yellow pencil skirt, ann taylor nude sandals, kate spade knot ring, indianapolis style blog madewell chambray, ann taylor yellow pencil skirt, ann taylor nude sandals, kate spade knot ring, indianapolis style blog madewell chambray, ann taylor yellow pencil skirt, ann taylor nude sandals, kate spade knot ring, indianapolis style blog

These sunglasses and this shirt are both from Madewell, and this skirt and these shoes are both from Ann Taylor. On any given day, there’s a good chance you’ll find me wearing one or both of these brands. Which is sort of interesting considering they’re so different. AT’s very “I’m going out for cocktails after my board meeting,” while Madewell’s very “I’m going out for beers after a music festival.” There’s probably something very deep I could say about myself here, but my brain is shot from studying, so I’ll leave it to you.

Have a great weekend!

Skirt (on sale) // Shoes (on sale) // similar Shirt // Sunglasses // similar Bag (on sale) // Ring // Necklace*

*Necklace provided courtesy of oNecklace.

The Basics

madewell chambray, white jeans, anne klein silver satchel, striped slingbacks, spike necklace madewell chambray, white jeans, anne klein silver satchel, striped slingbacks, spike necklace madewell chambray, white jeans, anne klein silver satchel, striped slingbacks, spike necklace madewell chambray, white jeans, anne klein silver satchel, striped slingbacks, spike necklace madewell chambray, white jeans, anne klein silver satchel, striped slingbacks, spike necklace madewell chambray, white jeans, anne klein silver satchel, striped slingbacks, spike necklaceBLOGLOVIN’ | FACEBOOK | TWITTER | PINTEREST | INSTAGRAM

I’m always looking for stand-out pieces, whether it’s bright colors, patterns, unique shapes, or other little details. But I do in fact have “basics” in my closet. I don’t usually wear this many of them at one time, though. It’s not so bad. It feels very French, n’est-ce pas? Maybe I should try it more often.

I wore this on Saturday to head down to Bloomington for a friend’s graduation party. Not knowing what kind of party it would be, I thought some casual but classy basics (and some snazzy shoes) would work. I guess they did because no one kicked me out. If you need someone to wear casual but classy basics to your next party, I’m available and looking for practice. Parties that serve lots of good cheese and/or cupcakes will have first priority.

Jeans (on sale) // similar Shirt (under $25) // similar Jacket* (under $15) // similar Necklace (on sale) // Shoes (also in yellow which I’m seriously considering!) // Sunglasses // similar Bag // same Bag in black // Lips “Lip Bomb #2”

Basics & Snazzy Shoes on Repeat. It’s the Real Life Remix…

madewell chambray, white jeans, anne klein silver satchel, striped slingbacks, spike necklace

*Jacket purchased with gift card provided courtesy of H&M.