When: November 2, 2021 // Weather: chilly // Real life: working in the office, then dinner date

YES I STILL HAVE A BLOG. No one noticed I haven’t posted for a month+ because no one reads this thing anymore. The great thing about being a hobby blogger is that I don’t have to care about traffic and bounce rates and click throughs. Every once in awhile if I’m wearing an outfit that makes me particularly happy, I bust out the fancy camera and snap some pictures. A week later I edit them, and another week (or more) later I get around to posting.
If you’re here, awesome. Thank you. Consider yourself part of a very small, elite club. Unfortunately there are no free gifts or other perks, just some medium- to high-quality content to scroll through when you’re bored or looking for style inspo.
If you read any other blogs (like real blogs that are more consistent than mine), shoot the blogger a nice comment and let them know you appreciate them. It takes more time and dedication than you might realize to keep up a blog in 2021!
Italic coat // secondhand J.Crew turtleneck // Vetta Capsule skirt (sustainable brand) // Sam Edelman boots // YSL bag and sunglasses