Knot It





20120824-193350.jpgRecently I’ve seen a couple different versions of a chambray top knotted at the waist and worn with a maxi skirt. It looked really cute and I already had the necessary ingredients, so I wanted to give it a shot. I put the outfit together but at the last minute I decided it was just too covered up for August, so I switched my maxi out for a shorter skirt. And there you have it.

Sorry, were you hoping for a funny story like yesterday? I only have so many jokes. I have to use them sparingly. OK, that’s totally not true. If it were feasible for every sentence I uttered (or typed) to be sarcastic, I would totally do it. But then I would have no friends. And then I would have no one to tell me how cute this outfit is (right? guys? Bueller?)

Top from Madewell

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