Knotted Chambray & a Mullet Dress

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This outfit is from last Saturday, when I ran a couple errands and went out to eat for my bro’s birthday. (Girls can be bros. I looked it up in the Bro Code.)

Last weekend, the temperatures took an unexpected dip so I had this big dilemma over what to wear. It was like nothing in my closet was working for me. I wanted to wear something cute and springy because it was the weekend, but my delicate constitution and lack of meaningful body fat told me I should probably cover up. I get whiney when I’m cold, and nobody wants to deal with that.

For some reason my new jean jacket that I thought would go with everything just didn’t look right with this dress. I looked oddly wide. I’m hoping the jacket and I will reconcile soon, but in the meantime I was able to count on my chambray – tied at the waist of course.

So the moral of the story is: If you don’t know what to wear, just stay home. Or wear something like this. You’re welcome.

Chambray // similar Dress // another similar Dress (under $20!) // Sunglasses (on sale) // Coach bag via eBay


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Unlike normal people who go to brunch on Sunday, Sarah the lame law student (that’s me) usually stays home and studies all weekend.

But when one of my best college friends says, “hey, I’m leaving for China in a month,” I have to take a break to brunch and shop. And brunch and shop we did. Those red velvet pancakes were way better than the bagel I would have had at home.

As someone who doesn’t have a lot of brunch experience, I didn’t know the dress code, but I figured it was a good time to wear this new dress (which I put on my spring shopping list). It’s too chilly to bare my arms yet, so I wore it as a skirt. When I tried it on, I was really excited about how great it is for twirling. Obviously that’s an important quality in a dress because of all the twirling I do.


See? Twirling. Goes perfectly with brunching.

Dress // similar Shirt // Sunglasses // similar Sandals