Exam Wear

fleece lined leggings, wedge booties with leggings, printed coat, phillip lim for target tote bag, law school style blog fleece lined leggings, wedge booties with leggings, printed coat, phillip lim for target tote bag, law school style blog fleece lined leggings, wedge booties with leggings, printed coat, phillip lim for target tote bag, law school style blog fleece lined leggings, wedge booties with leggings, printed coat, phillip lim for target tote bag, law school style blog

If you’re reading this between 9 am and noon eastern time, I’m taking an exam, so send your smartest vibes my way. This is actually an outfit I wore to take an exam last week, hence the messy hair and lack of makeup. I’m actually kind of impressed with this outfit considering my main goal was warmth and comfort. Just goes to show what a difference a fabulous bag, coat, and sunglasses can make. Take note, ladies: outerwear and accessories are your friend.

similar Leggings (they’re fleece lined!!) // similar Coat (on sale) // similar Bag (rich people version) // Sunglasses (on sale) // similar Shoes // similar Scarf

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Giddyap Jingle Horse Pick Up Your Feet





I know I said I don’t wear sweats in public, but this is pretty darn close. Sometimes, though, a sweatshirt and leggings can be OK outside the house if (1) you’re doing something super casual, (2) there is no velour anywhere on your body, (3) there are no words or symbols across your butt, (4) you cover your bits and pieces, (5) you play with fun colors or otherwise add visual interest, and (6) you wear something other than sneakers or flip-flops on your feet.

As you can see, it’s a complex rule, but I am clearly following it. If the fashion police issue a citation, I will be prepared with my defense. For the record, I know this is not exactly my usual pulled together look, but I wanted to be true to my blog’s raison d’etre and show you what I really wear. This was another exam-taking outfit so comfort was the name of the game. I’ll be back to real outfits soon, I swear! (But if you want to see how I styled this same top with real pants, see here and here.)

Sweatshirt: Madewell, sold out online (similar here)

Boots: Madden Girl, old (similar here and here)

P.S. Howdya like that little dance move at the end? Why, thank you. I’m classically trained. No…really.