Frocktober #3

periwinkle lace dress, long line vest, ankle boots

When: Wednesday // Weather: 80 // Real life: work

periwinkle lace dress, long line vest, ankle boots

periwinkle lace dress, long line vest, ankle boots

periwinkle lace dress, long line vest, ankle boots

periwinkle lace dress, long line vest, ankle boots

periwinkle lace dress, long line vest, ankle boots

Just when I was getting all into Frocktober, it got hot again. Luckily this vest looks the autumnal part but lets my skin breathe. And yes – it’s officially ankle boot season! (“How to Wear Ankle Boots” continues to be one of my most popular posts ever, by the way. Have you read it? You should.) Wednesday morning after I got dressed I decided boots would be the perfect way to complete the look, so I went down to the basement and pulled out all my tubs of winter clothes looking for these boots. Tub #1…sweaters. Tub #2…shoe boxes holding other ankle boots but not black ones. Tub #3…more sweaters. Tub #4…tall boots. What the hell. Also: why do I have so many clothes?!

I went back upstairs to my dressing room and then remembered there were a few shoe boxes on the top shelf of the closet. I put a couple pairs of boots up there back in the spring because I knew once early fall came, I would probably want to wear them before I got around to unpacking all my cold-weather clothes. It was a really great idea that would have worked out better if I had remembered having that really great idea six months later.

similar Dress // Vest (on sale) // similar Boots // similar Bag // Bracelet (on sale) // similar Earrings // Lips “Broadest Berry”

Frocktober #2

yellow dress, tan faux leather jacket, Rebecca Minkoff leopard Love bag, yellow sunglasses

When: Monday // Weather: 70s // Real life: work

yellow dress, tan faux leather jacket, Rebecca Minkoff leopard Love bag, yellow sunglasses

yellow dress, tan faux leather jacket, Rebecca Minkoff leopard Love bag, yellow sunglasses

yellow dress, tan faux leather jacket, Rebecca Minkoff leopard Love bag, yellow sunglasses

yellow dress, tan faux leather jacket, Rebecca Minkoff leopard Love bag, yellow sunglasses

yellow dress, tan faux leather jacket, Rebecca Minkoff leopard Love bag, yellow sunglasses

yellow dress, tan faux leather jacket, Rebecca Minkoff leopard Love bag, yellow sunglassesBLOGLOVIN’ | FACEBOOK | TWITTER | PINTEREST | INSTAGRAM

As promised, I’m doing an unofficial “Frocktober” challenge where I remix my summery dresses into fall outfits. I thought I made this up, and then I found out that Frocktoberfest is also a festival in Australia and New Zealand where everyone wears dresses and they raise money for ovarian cancer research. To be clear, my version is less fun, less charitable, and doesn’t have a cool accent. But it still involves dresses, so there’s that.

One of the easiest ways to Frocktober-ize a dress to add a leather jacket. And that’s pretty much the end of my advice. See, told ya it was easy.

similar Dress // similar Jacket // Sunglasses // similar Bag // similar Earrings // Lipstick “Core Cora”
