So this is the part where I say something about what I’m wearing. I could do that, or I could tell you about how I cleaned up a crime scene at 2:00 Monday morning. Oh, you want to hear about the second one? OK, you got it.
Well, there’s a mouse problem here at Casa de Sarah. We caught 3 mice in mid-December. There wasn’t a squeak for more than a month, and just when we thought the coast was clear we got another one about a week ago. The very first mouse we caught with a humane trap, but the other 3 were only discovered with the help of our trusty feline Coco. In the middle of the night, I would wake up to the sound of her running up and down the hallway and find her cornering a terrified little creature. She never killed them; she just chased them around and sometimes carried them in her mouth. Then I would catch them in a tupperware and take them outside. I’m a hippy, what can I say?
So that brings us to 2:00am Monday. Once again I woke up to the sound of frantic claws on carpet. Sure enough, Coco and mouse are in the hallway. Mouse isn’t looking so hot. I scooped it up to take outside. That’s when Kristin says, “Umm…THERE’S BLOOD.” Yup. Little spots of blood up and down the hallway carpet, and even some splatter on the wall. I went ahead and took the mouse outside in the snow, where it died. Poor thing. But now maybe an owl or something can eat it. It’s the circle of life. And it moves us all.
When I went back inside, Kristin was hard at work cleaning up the blood in the hallway. That’s when I noticed there were a few spots and smears in the living room, too. Oh look, here’s more in the kitchen. And the dining room. WHERE DOES IT END? How much blood can a mouse possibly have? If this had been a human instead of a mouse, it would have been an episode of Scandal. Or CSI: Indianapolis.
If you can believe it, I had a little trouble falling back to sleep. Cleaning up a homicide can do that to you. Kristin and I agreed this was one of the weirdest things we’ve ever done at two in the morning, and that includes undergrad.
OK, I’ll try to get back to talking about clothes tomorrow. In the meantime, be sure to share your best pet and pest stories in the comments below 
similar Shirt (on sale) // Sweater // similar Boots // similar Necklace // Sunglasses (on sale) // Bag // Lips “Plushest Punch”
Something to get your mind off my gruesome story: It’s the Real Life Remix…