“Maybe I’ll Put on Pants Today”






20121020-231859.jpgWe took these pictures right after I got my hair done, which means this is the best my locks will look for the next eight weeks. Go ahead and enjoy it now. My stylist (and friend) reads my blog and she told me it’s inspired her to make an effort to dress better! Apparently to her this means simple things like putting on real pants, but hey…baby steps. (Brandy’s probably reading this right now thinking, “Dammit Sarah…next time I’m giving you blue highlights muahaha!”)

But seriously, I love it when people tell me I inspired them to try something new or to put on pants. It makes me feel very powerful. You are all my minions.

So minions, your tidbit for the day is on wearing flat ankle boots! I’m a fan of this style, but on shorties like me (I’m 5’3″ and proud), they can make legs look stumpy. It takes some experimenting. I read in a magazine recently that jeans should always cover the top of an ankle boot, but I personally think that looks a little funny sometimes. Plus, ankle boots are cute because they’re ankle boots, and how will anyone know they’re ankle boots if you cover the top? Anyway, I like cuffing skinny jeans right above the top of the boot. Just make sure your socks don’t clash because they’ll show when you sit down. If I still look a little stumpy, well…it’s because I am.

Top: Kohl’s (old, similar)

Jeans: Ann Taylor

Belt: Target

Boots: DV by Dolce Vita