V-Day, I Guess

Boden print shift dress, gray OTK boots, date night outfit

When: February 14 // Weather: cool // Real life: work, then dinner date

Boden print shift dress, gray OTK boots, date night outfit

Boden print shift dress, gray OTK boots, date night outfit

Boden print shift dress, gray OTK boots, date night outfit

Boden print shift dress, gray OTK boots, date night outfit

Boden print shift dress, gray OTK boots, date night outfit

One of our favorite downtown restaurants closed last week, so we made plans to make one last visit (RIP, brussel sprout and goat cheese pizza). “What day should we go?” “Well, I have X on Monday…” “And I have to pack for my work trip on Wednesday, then I leave Thursday…” “So, Tuesday?” “Sounds good!”

Monday night, I picked out the next day’s outfit as always. Went for a red dress. K picked out an outfit too. Pink sweater. Tuesday morning, we said our good mornings and have a nice days.

It wasn’t until the security guard at my office wished me a happy Valentine’s Day that I realized what day it was. It was the day everyone and their lover wears pink and red and goes out to dinner. Dammit. We’re usually so much cooler than other couples, but this year we were mainstream. Accidentally mainstream, though. That must count for something. I like to see it as: we were cute and romantic without even trying, so we win!

similar Dress (on sale) // similar Boots (on sale) // Sunglasses // similar Bracelet // similar Bag (on sale)



I’m the Rhoda

neck scarf outfit, floral bag, skinny jeans with ankle boots outfit

When: last Saturday // Weather: 60s // Real life: brewery trip with friends

neck scarf outfit, floral bag, skinny jeans with ankle boots outfit

neck scarf outfit, floral bag, skinny jeans with ankle boots outfit

neck scarf outfit, floral bag, skinny jeans with ankle boots outfit

neck scarf outfit, floral bag, skinny jeans with ankle boots outfit

neck scarf outfit, floral bag, skinny jeans with ankle boots outfit

neck scarf outfit, floral bag, skinny jeans with ankle boots outfit

neck scarf outfit, floral bag, skinny jeans with ankle boots outfit

I’ve seen Romy & Michele’s High School Reunion at least a dozen times. It has some great quotes: “Would you excuse me? I cut my foot before, and my shoe is filling up with blood.” “I invented Post-Its.” “I was so lucky getting mono. That was like the best diet ever.” “You look so good with blond hair and black roots it’s like not even funny.” I could go on. And I will.

You know how Romy and Michele have the fight over who’s the Mary and who’s the Rhoda? Add “No, I’M THE MARY!” to that list of R&M quotes I use on the reg. Well, I’m embarrassed to say that I had never actually seen the Mary Tyler Moore show until recently when my more pop-culture-fluent other half put it on just after MTM died. First of all, I love it, and I’m watching it right now. Second, I am totally the Rhoda. Like, there’s no question. I’m not entirely sure why Romy and Michele fought over being the Mary, when Rhoda is the sassier one. So I am now officially declaring that I’m the Rhoda, and I’m proud of it.

And in case it wasn’t obvious, in Romy & Michele’s High School Reunion, I’m Heather Mooney.

similar Jeans // Bag (under $35!) // similar Boots (on sale) // similar Scarf // Sunglasses

