Get Inspired: Jeans, Leather, & Stripes

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I have Julia of Gal Meets Glam to thank for this outfit idea. No seriously…thank you, Julia. At this point I am out of ideas and just waiting for the day I get to unpack my summer clothes. Then you came along and wore an outfit made of things I already have and love! Easy peasy.

A lesson for all of us: No matter how awesome you are at dressing yourself – and I am pretty damn awesome – you can always get fun ideas from other equally awesome people. But I guess you guys already know that, because why else would you be following my blog? You guys are the smartest. Well done.

Shirt (30% off w/ code MOREPLEASE) // similar Jacket (on sale) // similar Jeans // Sunglasses (on sale) // similar Shoes // Lipstick “Orange de Chine”

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City of Angles

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What kind of life did I lead before I realized you could wear different prints together and it could actually look like it was on purpose? The answer is: A sad one.

And speaking of sad, this post is going to be this sweater’s last hurrah. I got it at Target a few years back, and I’ve worn it enough that the fabric is getting a little pilly. Is that a word? You know what I mean.

Anyway, the last couple winters I’ve passed by this sweater in my closet many times because I just wasn’t excited about wearing it anymore. Then a couple days ago I realized it might be fun to pair it with my plaid Madewell shirt. I was right. It was fun. But now the fun is over. This sweater has done everything it can do for me. Farewell, sweet prince. Thanks for the memories.

P.S. I hope you noticed my clever title. “Angles” is not a typo. Get it?

similar Sweater // similar Shirt (under $15!) // Sunglasses // similar Jeans // Shoes // similar Spike Bracelet (under $5!) // Lipstick “Schiap”