Christmas at EPCOT

j crew plaid shirt, anthropologie felt hat, anne klein watch, knotted shirt over dress, christmas at epcot j crew plaid shirt, anthropologie felt hat, anne klein watch, knotted shirt over dress, christmas at epcot j crew plaid shirt, anthropologie felt hat, anne klein watch, knotted shirt over dress, christmas at epcot j crew plaid shirt, anthropologie felt hat, anne klein watch, knotted shirt over dress, christmas at epcot j crew plaid shirt, anthropologie felt hat, anne klein watch, knotted shirt over dress, christmas at epcot j crew plaid shirt, anthropologie felt hat, anne klein watch, knotted shirt over dress, christmas at epcot

Happy last day of 2013, everyone! So I’ve been sharing my Florida vacation outfits with you the past few days, and I saved this, my favorite one, to end the year with a bang! This was what I wore for Christmas day at EPCOT with Kristin’s family. It was quite a challenge to find a look that felt festive, was appropriate for the weather (high in the 70s but chillier when the sun went down), and comfortable enough for a long day. I don’t mean to brag, but is this not the perfect Christmas at EPCOT outfit? I do believe it is. I mean I saw a lot of other Christmas at EPCOT outfits last week because there about a jillion other people there, and mine was the best. I saw some people in princess gowns – I mean seriously, can we say “overdressed”?

So what did everyone else do for Christmas? Anything special or out of the ordinary? EPCOT was fun, but I’m definitely looking forward to a more chill holiday next year. If you’re interested, you can see more of my vacation photos on Instagram!

similar Shirt // another similar Shirt // Hat // similar Watch (on sale) //  Bag (on sale) // similar Shoes (on sale) // similar Sunglasses (on sale) // Lips

Florida in December

j crew chambray dress, lace bomber jacket, asos necklace, studded flats, kate spade sunglasses, madewell bracelet j crew chambray dress, lace bomber jacket, asos necklace, studded flats, kate spade sunglasses, madewell bracelet j crew chambray dress, lace bomber jacket, asos necklace, studded flats, kate spade sunglasses, madewell bracelet j crew chambray dress, lace bomber jacket, asos necklace, studded flats, kate spade sunglasses, madewell bracelet j crew chambray dress, lace bomber jacket, asos necklace, studded flats, kate spade sunglasses, madewell bracelet

Florida in December is a strange experience. There are Christmas lights everywhere and yet you can get away with bare legs and a light jacket. You can sit on a patio watching people play golf while “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” plays from the speakers. Keep dreaming, people. Keep dreaming.

I’ll share a few other outfits from my Florida trip over the next few days – so those of you in cold climates (including me) can look at them and be jealous. You’re welcome!

similar Dress // similar Jacket // similar Necklace* // similar Shoes // similar Sunglasses (on sale) // similar Bracelet (on sale) // Lips “Plushest Punch”

*Necklace purchased with gift card provided courtesy of Asos.