Layers and Shorts








It’s that awesome time of year when it’s summery and fallish at the same time, so you can wear shorts with a sweater or a t-shirt with boots and still feel pretty comfortable. I love the idea of a chambray layered under a cardigan, but since I just got on the chambray bandwagon this summer, I haven’t had the opportunity. Enter last Saturday: high of 72. Glorious. Perfect weather for an oxymoronic outfit.

Chambray: Madewell / Cardigan: H&M / Bag: Marc by Marc Jacobs / Necklace & Sunnies: Charming Charlie

P.S. On a side note, I noticed that I’ve had several people click on my Bloglovin’ button in the past couple days, but Bloglovin’ doesn’t seem to think I’ve added new followers. That shit cray. If you tried to follow me recently but haven’t seen me on your Bloglovin’ feed, let me give you another opportunity right now: click here and then click the blue “Follow” button. Yay.

Keepin’ It Real





If you’ve read my “about” page, you know that I am alllll about keepin’ it real for you here at Sarah’s Real Life. You know that every outfit I show you here is something I actually wore. But I don’t know if I’ve mentioned that on week days I normally take my photos in the evening (when the light is best) after I get home for the day. That means my clothes have been scrunched up after sitting in cars and at desks all day.

Usually I don’t look too bad, but you might notice in the photos above that I’m doing my best to block your view of my knees and my crotchal region. Well, these are new pants and it turns out the fabric gets pretty easily stretched out and wrinkled. If I give you the full frontal, it looks like this:


Kind of a bummer, but it’s not like I can’t still wear them. They’re pretty comfortable (especially since they stretched out), and the cropped length is perfect. The color comes across yellowish in these pictures, but they’re actually more lime green. They’re just so bright and happy!

And…back to awesome:


Wrinkly pants purchased recently at United Colors of Benetton

Don’t forget you can follow me on Bloglovin’ and Twitter and get yo’self some daily realness