Neutral Territory

gray leather jacket, white pencil skirt, black tights and suede pumps, indianapolis style blog

gray leather jacket, white pencil skirt, black tights and suede pumps, indianapolis style blog

gray leather jacket, white pencil skirt, black tights and suede pumps, indianapolis style blog

gray leather jacket, white pencil skirt, black tights and suede pumps, indianapolis style blog

gray leather jacket, white pencil skirt, black tights and suede pumps, indianapolis style blog

I’m having really bad writers block today. I can’t come up with anything clever to say about this outfit. But that’s appropriate because if I remember correctly, I had a lot of trouble coming up with something to wear the day I wore this outfit. Hence why I’m wearing all of the neutrals and hence why I’m yammering on about nothing for the sake of filling out a paragraph. I hope you’ll let my mediocrity slide just this once.

similar Jacket* (under $50) // Shirt via Le Tote (or buy similar on sale) // similar Skirt (on sale) // Shoes (on sale) // Bag (on sale in black & nude) // similar Necklace*

*Jacket purchased with gift card provided courtesy of H&M; necklace purchased with gift card provided courtesy of Shopbop.

Polka Dots and Gossip

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Who else feels an emptiness in their life since Gossip Girl ended? Yeah, me neither. I did love that show, but I think the high school years were better and bitchier. I haven’t seen all of the last season yet (I’ll wait until it’s on Netflix), so don’t tell me who Gossip Girl is or what color plaid Dan wears in the last scene or who ends up in jail or who dies or whose mother is actually her sister and steals her boyfriend by sabotaging her real mother’s career and paying off the dean of NYU.

Wait, what was I talking about? Oh right, I got this dress because it reminds me of something Blair would wear (if it were about 10 times more expensive). I think Blair is my spirit animal.

similar Dress // another similar Dress // Shoes // Tights // Watch // Bracelet // similar Coat // Lipstick “Black Honey”