Small Stuff

cara bracelet, H&M leopard cardigan, Target Merona chambray skirt, Nine West red flats cara bracelet, H&M leopard cardigan, Target Merona chambray skirt, Nine West red flats bracelet3 Kate spade tortoise sunglasses, forever 21 bar necklace bracelet5BLOGLOVIN’ | FACEBOOK | TWITTER | PINTEREST | INSTAGRAM

Good news for my fellow small-wristed ladies: I found another line of jewelry that makes some leather cuffs with 2 different snaps. The brand is called Cara, and I found this one at Target. It looks like they also carry some at Nordstrom. For the record, no one’s paying me to say this – I bought the bracelet myself and I just really care about the well-being of other dainty wrists. If you have a couple of said dainty wrists, be sure to check out this post and my Pinterest board, both dedicated to the subject.

similar Bracelet // similar Cardigan // Skirt // similar Sunglasses (on sale) // similar Shoes // Necklace

Necessity is the Mother of Chambray

brunch1 brunch2brunch6 brunch4 brunch5

If you pack an overnight bag with plans to sleep at a friend’s house and then go to brunch in the morning, it’s important to remember appropriate undergarments. Because if you pack a thin cotton dress and no bra, you might end up sporting a different look than the one you were going for.

But if you find yourself in a braless situation, your best bet is to beg a friend for a chambray to tie over your top half. Even if it doesn’t quite fit , you might be able to pull off that effortlessly casual, I-meant-to-wear-a-shirt-that’s-too-big-for-me brunching look.

Of course, all of this is totally hypothetical and has nothing to do with what I’m wearing here.

Bracelet* // Shoes // similar Clutch (on sale)

*This bracelet was gifted to me by House of Gemmes. It’s great for small-wristed ladies like myself! Get 25% off your purchase at House of Gemmes by entering the code REALLIFE25 at checkout.