Yellow Extras

yellow sweater, leather pleated midi skirt, slouchy boots, statement necklace, navy quilted bag, red satchel, cashmere

similar Sweater // Skirt // Bag (on sale) // similar Boots // similar Necklace (on sale)

yellow sweater, leather pleated midi skirt, slouchy boots, statement necklace, navy quilted bag, red satchel, cashmere

similar Sweater (on sale) // similar Skirt // Bag (on sale in black & nude) // Shoes (on sale) // Necklace via Le Tote (or buy similar)

yellow sweater, leather pleated midi skirt, slouchy boots, statement necklace, navy quilted bag, red satchel, cashmere

yellow sweater, leather pleated midi skirt, slouchy boots, statement necklace, navy quilted bag, red satchel, cashmere

yellow sweater, leather pleated midi skirt, slouchy boots, statement necklace, navy quilted bag, red satchel, cashmere

Just a couple extra outfit photos I’ve been hanging on to for a while, and a PSA: don’t eat the yellow snow.

Happy Friday and happy last weekend before Christmas! Remember to enjoy it.

Merry & Bright

yellow trench, black shirtdress, target plaid scarf, tan suede boots, navy quilted bag

yellow trench, black shirtdress, target plaid scarf, tan suede boots, navy quilted bag

yellow trench, black shirtdress, target plaid scarf, tan suede boots, navy quilted bag

yellow trench, black shirtdress, target plaid scarf, tan suede boots, navy quilted bag

yellow trench, black shirtdress, target plaid scarf, tan suede boots, navy quilted bag

yellow trench, black shirtdress, target plaid scarf, tan suede boots, navy quilted bag

Is it too early to start making Christmas song references in my titles? If it helps, “merry & bright” just refers to this coat. I’ve had it for years and it’s always a compliment attractor. But I don’t really wear it for the compliments; I wear it because a cheerfully colored coat is the perfect antidote to cold, gloomy weather. One with a fun pattern works too. I try to get a new coat every year so I have something to look forward to. This year I have my eye on this mint green one – pretty great, right?

similar Coat (and more below) // Scarf (under $20) // similar Dress (on sale) // similar Boots // similar Sunglasses // Bag (on sale in black) // Watch* // similar Ring* (under $10) // Nails

*Watch provided courtesy of Timex; ring purchased with gift card provided courtesy of H&M.